Jonathan Agassi's Official Blog

I play sex master in a threesome… and buy a Mac!

by on Aug.10, 2010, under Life

Hello horny bastards it’s Jonathan Agassi 🙂

Guess what?
I bought a MAC finally! Oh my god!!! This is what everybody’s been talking about?? Fucking amazing!
This week I decided to take everything a bit easier. So no hardcore parties ): and no hardcore sex ):

Yeah right!! hehe
My pig visited me from France (remember him? the one from my blog 2 weeks ago). This time we brought another guy and being a good pig that he is, he gave me “permission” to tell him (and the new guy too) exactly what to do!

I totally felt like a master lol
After POUNDING his ROSE for hours me and the third guy allowed him to cum (we came earlier)… and then we ordered PIZZA!

That was a fun weekend!
On Sunday my ex-computer broke down and didn’t really function anymore so I took all my savings and bought myself a brand new Mac! Oops, already said it!

Well that was my week
How was yours??



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