Jonathan Agassi's Official Blog

Thanks for having my back

by on Jul.02, 2010, under Life

Sup guys?

It’s Jonathan Agassi so this week was…………… Dunno!
Filled with emotion I guess!!

I never expected to cause such a reaction when I made my decision not to perform at Madrid’s Pride! I didn’t think for a minute that so many people, the media, and the press would be interested in this! It was really an act that happened as it was written on my blog! If you don’t want Israel then I don’t want you. (Read the press release here.)

So for every day of the past week I have been caught up in all of the coverage. Checking up comments and responding to the nicest people that have e-mailed me on Facebook, etc.
So yeah… it’s nice to know you have my back (ass?)

I’m working hard hard hard to get it. And for you guys who are not among my Facebook friends, I have made a promise today that if I get that apartment I will make a video of me dancing like in this clip!!!

I guess if I published it here then I’m DEAD serious!!! That’s how much I want that flat! Might be funny haa? Let’s see how that goes 🙂

And about my tattoo.. OMG!
I thought I had a good idea when I started my dragon but today I realized that I should stay in porn and not deal with tattoo stuff haha!
I went to this guy, a real tattoo artist and he designed the most beautiful tattoo EVER! I’m starting or actually continuing it on the 26th of July.
(btw its gonna be a full sleeve , meaning all over my arm/hand!)

That’s it!
Wish us all a weekend full of sex !

See this picture…Now I want you to look me in the eyes when u CUM!



:, ,

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